Friday, July 3, 2009

What you see is what you get...

'What you see is what you get' is a computer science terminology which I learnt during my engineering course. Recently, I figured out that this is not only true for computers, but also applicable to us!

Have you ever felt that you see a set of things very often? like, your company's Ads/logos everywhere? Cool bikes/cars? etc.
Our attention is more often attracted to a set of people or things. Most often, it might be desire in us which tunes the frequency of our eyes accordingly.

Yesterday I was walking with my friend, a car passed by. I felt, we both saw a nice car passing by and said, 'Wow! what a car!'. For this my friend replied, 'Wow, what a girl she was!'. For a moment I didn't understand him, but later came to know that there was a beautiful girl sitting inside that car, and I didn't notice her!

This incidence made me think that there is something to do with the frequency of our eyes. This unique frequency might have made me look at the car only, and my friend ended up looking only the girl.

When our attention is on some things for more often, I feel, we gradually end up getting that thing. We generally ignore this behavior of ours and will not be knowing its significance. In fact, It is very hard to explain and looks scary!

You might be surprised to know that it might be working with you too.. :)

In my case, it seems to be so true! Here it goes...

When I was a kid going to primary school, I used to see my seniors in high school. After some time, I was in high school.

While I was walking alone on the road, everywhere I used to see kids riding bicycles. After some time, I got one and started cycling.

While in school, I was seeing students topping the class. After some time, I was topper of the class.

When I was in high school, everywhere I used to see guys going to science college. After some time, I was studying in a science college.

While I was in science college, everywhere I used to see guys doing their Engineering. After some time, I joined an Engineering college.

During college days, I was seeing many groups of friends. After some time, I was having good friends and also had a group.

While in college, I used to walk and was seeing many students coming on their bikes. After some time, my father bought me a bike.

while I was doing my engineering, everywhere I used to see Engineers working in top MNCs. After some time, I was working in a top MNC.

While working, I saw many people going abroad. After some time, I was sent abroad.

While working as an engineer, I was seeing many senior engineers around me. After some time, I was promoted as a senior engineer.

And now I am seeing cars everywhere! Never know, I might end up buying one :)

Well, now think...... What are you seeing most often(everywhere)?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sixth Sense...

Few days back, I received a mail from my friend, with subject "The sixth sense!". This pricked my curiosity; and immediately switched into my mail box. I was expecting either a story or some pictures showing some interesting facts in the mail. To my surprise, the mail was one liner having the following link:

Instead of following this link, You could watch it right here!

Hope you watched it; if not, do watch it before reading further.

I must say, This is a brilliant work! That guy really deserves a standing ovation, for his hard work and the amount of innovation which is behind this cool device. I am sure you agree with me.

This device works mainly on the data that is currently available on the web, which is accessible to the whole world. Its a smart way of integrating this vast information with a small device to get various benefits to us.

While appreciating this video, the following thoughts run in my mind:

Firstly, The information it relies on, is from the web. This means, there is NO authenticity on most of this information. Taking an example of "knowing a person", which was an use case showcased in the video; the camera captures the picture of the person to find his details on the internet. Based on the information gathered, it will display the person's hobbies, interests, etc. Here we are totally relying on the data entered by the person himself! It might be correct; or incorrect. There may be case where a person creates a very 'different' image of his own, online. So, the bottom line is that we are still NOT having the real sixth sense to justify the correctness of the information.
The worst thing I can think of is, we might end up judging a bad person as good. Based on the online information made available by that person.

Secondly, Lets consider an example, "recommendation of products in a supermarket". Again the result we get is completely dependent on the opinions of numerous consumers worldwide. We cannot blindly believe that all the opinions are genuine. There could a marketing strategy by a product company to spam and change these opinions too!

This sixth sense technology is cool. But, its not reliable. I would feel uncomfortable to judge people and take various decisions using this 'Sixth Sense' device.

Well, Is there no way for us to reach the absolute truth? I mean, to get our so called 'sixth sense' working? Can we judge things by ourselves?, WITHOUT relying on the data available on the internet? It definitely sounds weird right?

These days, We have been used to the internet so much; For any question/problems or any damn thing, 'Google' is the first thing that flashes in our mind. I am not saying that its bad; just an observation. Can you imagine, there are about trillions of searches happening on Google every day! I really wonder, whom these questions were directed to, before Google?

Now, Just imagine a day where,

  • You can see and understand complete information of a person in your mind, as soon as you meet. Without any device, without any prior information of that person in your brain; but with real "sixth sense".
  • You have to choose a best product at a supermarket and its as easy as ever. Just pass by the products and you will know by yourself, which is best among all. And, you will never be wrong!
  • You get an alert on your health issues, without consulting a doctor.
  • You can always take correct decisions in life; no matter how complicated the situation is.
  • And, many more such things...

Wow! I would call that a real sixth sense.

Wouldn't that be wonderful, if we can see all these happening one fine day with us!
I wish...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Special Day...

It was past midnight and my cellphone started ringing. It was little unusual for me, as I generally do not get calls in the late night. Without bothering who it was, I received the call, rubbing my sleepy eyes. Heard a sweet voice from the other end saying, "Hey! Happy Birthday". It was my best friend; who had called to wish me!!.

6'O Clock my alarm started ringing, disturbing my pleasant sleep. As soon as I got up, had a weird feeling of having seen a dream. Tried hard to recollect about the conversation I had with my friend; but couldn't. Smiled at myself and accepted that it was just a dream.

To my surprise, there were 3 missed calls listing on my cellphone. Those were from my friends, who wanted to wish me early in the morning. In fact, much earlier than the morning. Thanks to my sleep, I had not heard the phone ring. Thought I would call them back once I get into my office bus and apologize for not receiving their call.

Remembering my dream again, out of curiosity, opened the call register of my phone. Guess what? I had indeed received 2 calls in the night and all that was NOT a dream!
Couldn't remember anything on the conversation I had; but the sweet voice was still echoing in my ears, as if, I heard it just now. That made my day!

The whole day was spent on receiving phone calls, SMSs, Scraps on Orkut, mails and personal wishes from colleagues(office friends) at office.

Adding to this, another special moment was when one of my sisters sang the "Happy Birthday" song for me over the phone. That was so sweet to hear!

Later in the evening, cake cutting party was arranged by my friends at office. I had to take three rounds of Birthday bums session before cutting the cake. Though it was painful, didn't realize much at that moment.

Reached home early as my Mother was cooking something special for dinner. Three of my friends gave a surprise visit[Actually, they drop-in every year and I had expected them] in the night. The atmosphere was so nice at home, filled with laughter and chatting.

I love surprises from friends, especially when they come home without any notice. It just shows how close they are and how comfortable they feel at my home.

Dinner was served and all of us simply enjoyed the food.
[My friends say, my Mother is an awesome cook. I don't think so; or 'may be']

Friends left after the dinner; their absence was felt with increasing silence in the night. Trying to recollect each and every moment of the entire day, I went (back) to sleep with tears of joys filled in my eyes.

What a beautiful day it was!

Thank you friends, you made this day so very special to me.
Love you all !!